Evaluating Competing Opposition Lists:
Evaluation is based on the following 4 criteria:
1- The list includes candidates from several parties or political change groups, and this is an evidence of the intention of uniting the ranks to fight the electoral battle and the willingness to cooperate with others.
اللائحة تتضمن مرشحين من عدة احزاب او مجموعات سياسية تغييرية و ذلك دليل على نية توحيد الصفوف لخوض المعركة الانتخابية و الاستعداد للتعاون مع الآخرين.
2- The list includes candidates with experience in electoral work in order to provide the necessary expertise for field work.
اللائحة تتضمن مرشحين ذوي تجربة في العمل الانتخابي و ذلك لتوفير الخبرة اللازمة للعمل الميداني.
3- The list includes women, unless no women have applied for candidacy.
اللائحة تتضمن نساء إلا في حال عدم تقدم اي نساء إلى الترشح.
4- The list includes at least one candidate who has proven his ability to serve public affairs
اللائحة تتضمن مرشح على الاقل اثبت قدرته على خدمة الشأن العام

In phase 2, TLDN will evaluate the performance of the selected lists and scores will be given on May 3 based on the following indices:
- Candidates’ engagement with voters in their constituency;
- Candidates’ engagement with multiple media outlets, suggesting transparency and willingness to be grilled over their stances;
- Candidates’ offer clear solutions they will propose in parliament to tackle aspects of the Lebanese crisis.
- Candidates’ engagement with diaspora voters.
List performance will be assessed holistically; meaning, while some candidates may be stronger in media engagement others may perform better with engagement with voters.

Some lists* include candidates that are not endorsed by TLDN. Those lists were kept to give a fair chance for the other candidates on the list given the complexity of the electoral law.
تتضمن بعض القوائم* مرشحين غير معتمدين من شبكة الاغتراب اللبناني. تم ادراج هذه القوائم لإعطاء فرصة عادلة للمرشحين الآخرين في القائمة نظرًا لمتطلبات قانون الانتخابات المعقّد